News Part One: My debut album is very close to being released! The wonderful Stig is designing the front cover for me - it's a work in progress, but so far it looks like this:

Wanted: more images of ridiculous unecessary eco-tat, please let me know if you've seen any good ones...
The track listing for the album is:
Don't Buy It
Risk Assessment
Collapse Part 2
The Sustainability Manager's Statement to the Board of Directors
Stakeholder Engagement
A Billion Pounds So Far, Apparently
Election Day
International Emergency
Their Wings Wings Beat
The Right Thing
Lifestyle Choice
It's all very exciting, and I'm taking advance orders right now! I'm going to be dishing out the album using a sliding scale of donations - you can choose how much to donate, based on how much you can afford and how much you think it's worth, and bearing in mind that I'm a skint self-employed writer/researcher/campaigner/eco-poet and really could use your support...
I'd suggest somewhere between £2 (which will cover the costs of production and UK postage) and £10 (if you're feeling especially generous), but it really is up to you. To order a copy, contact me at dannychivers[at] and we'll get it sorted - thanks so much. I'm away until September 27th but will respond to your emails very soon after that.
News Part Two: Tonight, I'm off to take part in the semi finals of the Radio 4 National Poetry Slam. Wish me luck - and listen out for it on the radio, at 11pm on Thursday October 1st. If you're here because you heard me on the radio - hello, very glad to have you here, feel free to browse around the site, sign up to my email list (the box on the right) and order my album (which includes both the poems I performed at the slam - see above). Marvellous.
News Part Three: The fun-packed micro-budget series of short climate change films I'm making with Undercurrents continues apace - see for the latest!
News Part Four and Five: I've got some interesting projects on with both Tenner Films and the Guardian, but can't reveal anything else just this space...
Thanks for reading - when I'm back, I'll put something more interesting up instead of all this outrageous self-promotional nonsense. Until then, here's yet another video of me capering and gurning about in a field:
In the video, I'm particularly enjoying 1:14-1:20 where a Tesco lorry trundles slowly past in the background emblazoned with the slogan "You Shop, We Drop". Who ever realised they did their on unintentional subvertising
will there be the option to buy an mp3 version of the album? as im moving over to portugal next week and really want the album but mp3 would be so much easier!
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